About me

Aravind Machiry is an Assistant Professor and a founding member of Purdue Systems and Software Security (PurS3) Lab at Purdue University in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. He is the recipient of a NSF CAREER award, and Amazon Research award.

He is interested in designing principled yet practical solutions to system security problems. He currently works on the problems of vulnerability detection, prevention, and mechanisms for developing secure systems. His solutions have a flavor of static/dynamic program analysis, fuzzing, type systems, language-based techniques, machine learning, or a combination of the above.

📣 We are looking for motivated Ph.D students to join our group.

We currently work on various areas of system security, such as Embedded systems, Bootloaders, static and dynamic program analysis. Refer Research for current research directions.

If you are interested in joining our lab, please do the following:

  • Send me a brief email with your CV attached.
  • Briefly describe why you want to join our group and include (0xF278EE379830) in the subject line.

My research resulted in various Open-source security tools and several Common Vulnerability Exposures (CVEs) in critical system software such as kernel drivers and bootloaders.

Recent News

  • VeriBin got accepted at NDSS 2025.
  • Rust for Embedded got accepted at ACM CCS 2024.
  • NSF CAREER Award (2024) for Securing Deeply Embedded Software.