Setting up DLXOS (ECE 469) on Cent OS 7

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This post describes the steps to setup DLXOS needed for Purdue ECE 469 labs on Cent OS 7 VirtualBox VM.

There are three steps here: Setting up VM, Install dependencies, and Setting up DLXOS tools.

VM Setup

  1. Download the Cent OS 7 Virtual Box Image
  2. Extract the above folder and import the .ova VM

    You may need to change the network adapter to NAT

Login into the VM with username: centos and password: centos

The following steps have to be run inside the VM.

Install Dependencies

sudo yum install glibc.i686
sudo yum install

Setting up DLXOS tools

mkdir ~/ee469
cd ~/ee469
scp [your-account] .
tar -xvzf dlxos_new.tar.gz

Setting up the PATH

gedit ~/.bashrc
# at the end of the file append the following line
export PATH=~/ee469/dlxos_new/bin:$PATH
(save and clode gedit)

That’s it. You are all set.

To test, open a terminal and run dlxsim, you should see some help message.